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Posted on April 23, 2015
The 14th Annual NOAA-CREST Day was held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 in the Grove School of Engineering at the City College of the City University of New York and proved once again to be an incredible and successful event. The event is one of the major recruitment and outreach events of the year that welcomes potentially graduating high school seniors; undergraduate and graduate students to learn about NOAA, NOAA-CREST and different internships and research training opportunities.
More than 130 attendees enjoyed the event and the keynote address by Dr. Stephen Volz, entitled “Earth, Space, Science and You”. Dr. Volz emphasized the importance of centers like NOAA-CREST and its role as an important academic partner that connects NOAA and its missions to a large scientific and academic community. NOAA-CREST helps to advance NOAA’s sciences while also training a diverse STEM workforce for our Nation’s next generation. He also emphasized that NOAA’s satellite data improve the Nation's resilience to climate changes, enhance our economic vitality and ensure society’s security and well-being.
CCNY Provost Dr. Maurizio Trevisan inaugurated the event with opening remarks and introducing Dr. Volz to the participants. NOAA-CREST faculty Dr. Kyle McDonald made engaging presentation about NOAA-CREST sciences, while the Assistant Director of the Center, Dr. Shakila Merchant, presented on the various NOAA-CREST education, training and internship opportunities. Martin Yapur, CREST alumnus and physical scientist at the NOAA/NESDIS, gave an inspirational speech to current CREST students and encouraged them to follow their dreams and be always open to new opportunities. Martin is now the director of NOAA Technology, Planning and Integration for Observations (TPIO) Office where he develops NOAA's Integrated Environmental Observation and Data Management System Architecture.
The event was concluded with the announcement of the CREST award winners. Dr. Stephen Volz accompanied Dr. Reza Khanbilvardi, NOAA-CREST Director to present awards to three outstanding CREST students. Awards were received by the following students: Andrea Gomez for Academic Excellence; Jose Pillich for Community Engagement and Outreach; and Hannah Aizenman for Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring.
NOAA-CREST Day successfully fulfilled its promise and engaged high school students in hands-on learning NOAA-related activities – it indeed served as an informative and fun-filled day for anyone interested in Earth Systems and Environmental Science & Engineering!
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T-107, Steinman Hall
140th St. & Convent Ave.,
New York, NY 10031, USA
(212) 650-8099
(212) 650-8097