

Computational Facilities

Learn more about our computational facilities: ERSL Environmental Remote Sensing Lab at The City College of New York (CCNY), GIS and Remote Sensing Lab (T-424)- The City College of New York (CCNY), The Urban GISc Lab at Lehman College, and CUERG - Coastal Urban Environmental Research Group at The City College of New York.

Optical Remote Sensing Lab

The Optical Remote Sensing Laboratory is part of the Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Center (CREST), a multidisciplinary center, led by the City College of the City University of New York (CUNY)

CALIPSO Workstation

CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations) Workstation is located at Hampton University.

CREST-SMART (Soil Moisture)

A soil moisture observation network approved by NASA as a core validation site for the SMAP mission is deployed in the region of Millbrook, NY


The CREST- Snow Analysis and Field Experiment (CREST-SAFE) is being carried out to collect the long term intra-seasonal microwave and surface observations to analyze the snow transitional period from dry, wet, and to melting snow conditions.

Coastal Observatory - LISCO

​Advances in oceanic bio-optical processes are expected to be more heavily focused on improving satellite retrieval products of inherent optical properties (IOPs) of coastal waters, which, because of their complexity, offer more challenges than open ocean waters, where satellite observations and retrieval algorithms are already reasonably effective.


​The latest meteorological observations in and around The New York metropolitan area (NYC) at NYCMetNet, provided by the Remote Sensing Laboratory of The City College of New York.

Satellite Receiving Station

The Satellite Receiving Station (SRS) located on the roof top of the NAC building at the City College of New York. The installation consists of two separate antennas and acquisition systems.

Crest Lidar Network

CREST LIDAR Network (NY,VA,MD,PR) studies the vertical profiling along the Atlantic Coast transect from NYC to Caribbean with applications to aerosol transport and air quality.

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140th St. & Convent Ave.,
New York, NY 10031, USA

(212) 650-8099

(212) 650-8097

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Partners & Affiliates

Our partners and affiliates consist of key players in the scientific and engineering industry that support our endeavors for education and mission.

Raytheon Mission Operations Solutions
Columbia University
San Diego State University
Northrop Grumman
Hampton University
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus
Colorado State University
University of Wisconsin
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The City College of New York
University of Texas, El-Paso
Earth Resources Technology, Inc.