
Research Publications

2013 CREST Research Publications

Theme 1: Climate, Theme 2: Weather and Atmosphere, Theme 3: Land Processes and Water Resources, Theme 4: Coastal and Ocean Waters

Theme 1: Climate

  1. Romanski, J., and W.B. Rossow (2013). Contributions of individual atmospheric diabatic heating processes to the generation of available potential energy. J. Climate, 26, p:4244-4263.
  2. Rossow, W.B., A. Mekonnen, C. Pearl and W. Goncalves (2013). Tropical precipitation extremes. J.Climate, 26, p:1457-1466.
  3. Stone, T., W.B. Rossow, J. Ferrier, and L.M. Hinkelman (2013). Evaluation of ISCCP geostationary visible channel radiance calibration using lunar techniques. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 51, p:1255-1266.
  4. Stubenrauch, C.J., W.B. Rossow, S. Kinne, S.A. Ackerman, G. Cesana, H. Chepfer, B. Getzewich, L. Di Girolamo, A. Guignard, A. Heidinger, B. Maddux, P. Menzel, P. Minnis, C. Pearl, S. Platnick, C. Poulsen, J. Reidi, S. Sun-Mack, A. Walther, D. Winker, S. Zeng and G. Zhao (2013). Assessment of global cloud datasets from satellites: Project and database initiated by the GEWEX Radiation Panel. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94, p:1031-1049.
  5. Norouzi, H., M. Temimi, A. Aghakouchak, M. Azarderakhsh, R. Khanbilvardi, G. Shields, (2013) “On the Effect of Land Cover Type on Diurnal Cycle of Microwave Brightness Temperatures”, Remote Sensing, Under Review.
  6. Rault, D. and R.P. Loughman (2013). The OMPS Limb Profiler environmental data record algorithm theoretical basis document and expected performance, IEEE Trans, Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.51, p:2505–2527.
  7. Cordero L, B. Gross, Y. Wu, F. Moshary, M. Ku, (2013) Assessing Surface PM2.5 Estimates using Data Fusion of Active and Passive Remote Sensing Methods, British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, Vol.3, p:547-565.
  8. Lee, D., Oreopoulos, L., Huffman, G. J., Rossow, W. B., & Kang, I. (2013). The Precipitation Characteristics of ISCCP Tropical Weather States. Journal Of Climate, 26(3), p:772-788.
  9. Tselioudis, G., Rossow, W., Zhang, Y., & Konsta, D. (2013). Global Weather States and Their Properties from Passive and Active Satellite Cloud Retrievals. Journal Of Climate, 26(19), p:7734-7746.
  10. Cross, J., I. Gladkova, W.P. Menzel, A. Heidinger and M. Grossberg (2013). Statistical estimation of a 13.3 micrometer visible infrared imaging radiometer suite channel using multisensor data fusion. J. Appl. Remote Sens., 7.
  11. Gladkova, I., F. Shahriar, R. Frey, M. Grossberg, and W.P. Menzel (2013). Impact of the Aqua MODIS band 6 restoration on cloud/snow discrimination. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 30, p:2712-2719.

Theme 2: Weather and Atmosphere

  1. Hosannah N and J. E. Gonzalez. (2013) Impacts of Aerosol PSD and LCLU on Precipitation in a Coastal Urban Environment using a Cloud-Resolving Mesoscale Model. Advances in Meteorology, p: 17.
  2. Lebassi B, J.E. González, and R.D. Bornstein. (2013) On the environmental sustainability of building integrated solar technologies in a coastal city. J. of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol.135.
  3. Yonghua W, L. Cordero, B. Gross, F. Moshary, S. Ahmed, (2013) Assessment of CALIPSO attenuated backscatter and aerosol retrievals with a combined ground-based multiwavelength lidar and sunphotometer measurement, Atmospheric Environment, Vol.84, p: 44-53.
  4. Meir, T., P. Orton, J. Pullen, T. Holt, W. Thompson, and M. Arend, (2013) Forecasting the New York City urban heat island and sea breeze during extreme heat events. Weather and Forecasting, Vol.28, p: 1460–1477.
  5. Gutierrez E, J.E. González, M. Arend, A. Martilli, and R. Bornstein, (2013) A new modeling approach to forecast building energy demands during extreme heat events in complex cities. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 135.
  6. Comarazamy D.E, J.E. González, and J.C. Luvall (2013), Quantification and Mitigation of Long-Term Impacts of Urbanization and Climate Change in the Tropical Coastal City of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Int. J. Low-Carbon Technologies.
  7. Hegglin, M.I., S. Tegtmeier, J. Anderson, L. Froidevaux, R. Fuller, B. Funke, A. Jones, G. Lingenfelser, J. Lumpe, D. Pendlebury, E. Remsberg, A. Rozanov, M. Toohey, J. Urban, T. von Clarmann, K.A. Walker, R. Wang, and K. Weigel, (2013) SPARC Data Initiative: Comparison of water vapor climatologies from international satellite limb sounders, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, Vol.118, p:11,824–11,846.
  8. Vladutescu, V, B.L Madhavan, M. B. Gross, Q. Zhang, S. Zhou, (2013) Aerosol Transport and Source Attribution Using Sunphotometers, Models and In-Situ Chemical Composition Measurements IEEE Transactions Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.51, p:3803–3811.
  9. Delgado R., S. Rabenhorst, B. Demoz, and R. M. Hoff, (2013) “Elastic Lidar Measurements of Summer Nocturnal Low Level Jet Events over Baltimore, Maryland”, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry.
  10. Knepp T., M. Pippin, J. Crawford, J. Szykman, R. Long, L. Cowen, A. Cede, N. Abuhassan, J. Herman, R. Delgado, J. Compton, T. A. Berkoff, J. Fishman, D. Martins, R. Stauffer, A. Thompson, A. Weinheimer, D. Knapp, D. Montzka, D. Lenschow, D. Neil, (2013). Towards a Methodology for Estimating Surface NO2 and SO2 Mixing Ratios from High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Retrievals, and its Applicability to High resolution Space-based Observations, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry.
  11. Su. J, Y. Wu, M. P. McCormick, L. Lei , R. B. Lee III, (2013) Improved method to retrieve aerosol optical properties from combined elastic backscatter and Raman lidar data, Applied Physics B,
  12. Su. J, Z. Liu, Y. Wu, M. P. McCormick, L. Lei (2013) “Retrieval of multiwavelength aerosol lidar ratio profiles using Raman scattering and Mie backscattering signals”, Atmospheric Environment, Vol.79, p:36-40.
  13. Su, J., M. P. McCormick, Y. Wu, Robert B. Lee III, L. Lei, Z. Liu and K. R. Leavor, (2013) "Cloud temperature measurement using rotational Raman Lidar" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, Vol.125, p: 45-50.
  14. Compton J.C, R. Delgado, T.A. Berkoff, and R. M. Hoff, (2013) “Determination of planetary boundary layer height on short spatial and temporal scales: A demonstration of the Covariance Wavelet Transform in ground based wind profiler and lidar measurements”, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technology, Vol.30, p:1566–1575.
  15. Tegtmeier, S., M.I. Hegglin, J. Anderson, A. Bourassa, S. Brohede, D. Degenstein, L. Froidevaux, R. Fuller, B. Funke, J. Gille, A. Jones, Y. Kasai, K. Krüger, E. Kyrölä, G. Lingenfelser, J. Lumpe, B. Nardi, J. Neu, D. Pendlebury, E. Remsberg, A. Rozanov, L. Smith, M. Toohey, J. Urban, T. von Clarmann, K.A. Walker, and H.J. Wang, ‘The SPARC Data Initiative: A comparison of ozone climatologies from international satellite limb sounders’, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, p:12,229–12,247.
  16. Toohey, M., M.I. Hegglin, S. Tegtmeier, J. Anderson, J.A. Añel, A. Bourassa, S. Brohede, D. Degenstein, L. Froidevaux, R. Fuller, B. Funke, J. Gille, A. Jones, Y. Kasai, K. Krüger, E. Kyrölä, J.L.Neu, A. Rozanov, L. Smith, J. Urban, T. von Clarmann, K. A. Walker, and R.Wang, ’Characterizing sampling bias in the trace gas climatologies of the SPARC Data Initiative’, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, p:11,847–11,862.
  17. Lina Cordero, Nabin Malakar, Yonghua Wu, Barry Gross and Fred Moshary (2013). Assessing Surface PM2.5 Estimates Using Data Fusion of Active and Passive Remote Sensing Methods, British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, Vol.3, Issue 4, p:547-565.

Theme 3: Land Processes and Water Resources

  1. Steiner, N. & Tedesco, M. (2013). A wavelet melt detection algorithm applied to enhanced resolution scatter meter data over Antarctica (2000-2009). The Cryosphere Discussions, Vol.7, pages 2635-2678.
  2. Tedesco, M.; Foreman, C.; Anton, J.; Steiner, N. & Schwartzman, T. (2013). Comparative analysis of morphological, mineralogical and spectral properties of cryoconite in Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland, and Canada Glacier, Antarctica Annals of Glaciology, Vol.54, p:147-157
  3. Temimi M. Lakhankar T. Zhan X. Cosh M. Krakauer N. Kelly V. Kumissi L. (2013) A ground based L band radiometer for the monitoring of soil moisture in the region of Millbrook, New York, USA. Accepted in Vadose Zone Journal.
  4. Tonini J, Costa L, Carnaval AC. (2013). Phylogeographic structure is strong in the Atlantic Forest; predictive power of correlative paleodistribution models, not always. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. Vol.51: p:114-121.
  5. Valdujo PH, Carnaval ACOQ and Graham C. (2013). Environmental and historical correlates of anuran beta diversity in the Brazilian Cerrado. Ecography. Vol.36: p:708-717.
  6. Seo, D., Lakhankar, T., Mejia, J., Cosgrove, B., & Khanbilvardi, R. (2013). Evaluation of Operational National Weather Service Gridded Flash Flood Guidance over the Arkansas Red River Basin. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 49(6), 1296-1307.
  7. Munoz, J., Infante, J., Lakhankar, T., Khanbilvardi, R., Romanov, P., & Krakauer, N. (2013). Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing for Snow Cover and Snow Water Equivalent Estimation. British Journal of Environment & Climate Change, 3, 4.
  8. Tesfagiorgis, K., S.E. Mahani (2013). A multi-source precipitation estimation approach to fill gaps over a radar precipitation field”; Hydrological Processes,
  9. Norouzi, H., M. Temimi, W. B. Rossow, and R. Khanbilvardi. (2013). AMSR-E/Aqua Monthly Global Microwave Land Surface Emissivity. Journal of Hydrology, Earth Systems Science. Vol.15, p:3577-3589.
  10. Robert B. Waide, Daniel E. Comarazamy, Jorge E. Gonzalez, Charles A.S. Hall, Ariel E. Lugo, Jeffrey C. Luvall, David J. Murphy, Jorge R. Ortiz-Zayas, and Nazario D. Ramirez-Beltran, Frederick N. Scatena, and Whendee L. Silver. (2013) Climate variability at multiple spatial and temporal scales in the Luquillo mountains, Puerto Rico. Ecological Gradient Analyses in a Tropical Ecosystem. Ecological Bulletins, 54, p:21-41
  11. Mohyeddin Bateni, S.N., C. Huang, S.A. Margulis, E. Podest, and K. McDonald (2013). Feasibility of characterizing snowpack and the freeze-thaw state of underlying soil using multifrequency active/passive microwave measurements, IEEE Trans Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 51 no 7. 

Theme 4: Coastal and Ocean Waters

  1. Tang H. S., S. I-Jy Chien, M. Temimi, C. A. Blain,Q. Ke, L. H. Zhao, S. Kraatz, (2013) Vulnerability of population and transportation systems at east bank of Delaware Bay to coastal flooding in climate change conditions,
  2. Schweitzer M*, Perkins S, Carnaval A.C. (2013). Pilot Study: host symbiont dynamics in the Atlantic forest hotspot. Poster. 11th Annual Workshop and Conference of Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases. Penn State University. University Park, PA. Poster.
  3. Waltari E, Schroeder R, McDonald K and Carnaval A. (2013). Species distribution modeling using novel space borne remote sensing data sets. Poster. 6th Conference of the International Biogeography Society, Miami, FL.
  4. Zahraei, A., Mahani. S., and Khanbilvardi, R., “Land Surface and Atmosphere Impacts on Space borne Passive Microwave Observations, A Challenge for Snowfall Estimation”, AGU Fall meeting 2013, Dec 2013, Accepted for Presentation.
  5. Rojas González, A.M., (2012). Flood Prediction Limitations in Small Watersheds with Mountainous Terrain and High Rainfall Variability. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying, University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Campus, pp 200. (this dissertation was produced under the supervision of Dr. Harmsen)
Other Research Publications
2017 CREST Research Publications
Theme 1: Climate, Theme 2: Weather and Atmosphere, Theme 3: Land Processes and Water Resources, Theme 4: Coastal and Ocean Waters
2016 CREST Research Publications
Theme 1: Climate, Theme 2: Weather and Atmosphere, Theme 3: Land Processes and Water Resources, Theme 4: Coastal and Ocean Waters
2015 CREST Research Publications
Theme 1: Climate, Theme 2: Weather and Atmosphere, Theme 3: Land Processes and Water Resources, Theme 4: Coastal and Ocean Waters

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