
Environmental CrossRoads Initiative

Created in 2008, the CUNY Environmental CrossRoads Initiative is an internationally recognized research center dedicated to the analysis of strategic local, regional, and indeed global environmental challenges. It draws its inspiration from New York City as the "crossroads of the world". The CrossRoads Initiative provides a unique meeting grounds where interdisciplinary scientists, engineers and technologists join with policy experts analyze environmental crises and craft innovative solutions to emerging environmental problems. As climate change and environmental problems gain a new sense of urgency around the globe, the collaboration of experts from various disciplines is the key to managing such diverse challenges as coping with climate extremes, feeding a population that continues to grow, establishing energy security while preserving ecosystem services and biodiversity, protecting human health and sustaining economic development.

The CrossRoads Initiative introduces state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and environmental sensing technologies into an ongoing policy dialogue with decision-makers. In our view, technology becomes not only a tool but also a transformative force for environmental stewardship. The CrossRoads Initiative develops practical strategies for managing an Earth system capable of sustaining humans and nature over a millennial timeframe.


The interests of the Environmental CrossRoads Initiative include:

  • Water as a Strategic Resource
  • Human Environment Systems
  • Environmental Sensing
  • Polar Dynamics


In keeping with the notion of New York City as CrossRoads to the World:
The CUNY Environmental CrossRoads Initiative creates a major focal point for scientists, technology experts, engineers, and policymakers to join forces, dialogue, and jointly solve the major strategic environmental challenges facing the region, the Nation, and the world. The Initiative develops practical strategies for managing an Earth system capable of sustaining humans and nature over a millennial time horizon.



  • Charles J. Vörösmarty

Research Faculty/Staff

  • Balázs M. Fekete
  • Pamela A. Green
  • Feng Cheng
  • Michael Piasecki
  • Kyle C. McDonald
  • Florian Lengyel
  • Ronny Schroeder

Office Staff

  • Georgina Fekete
  • Marisa Dias
  • Darlene Dube

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140th St. & Convent Ave.,
New York, NY 10031, USA

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(212) 650-8097

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