
Water Analytics and Hydrologic Systems

In the Water Analytics Group, we are focused on assimilating knowledge in science and engineering and developing an integrated science based approach to finding solutions for societal problems. We work on a domain of issues related to Hydrology and Water Resources Management that require a rigorous systems based inquiry, and involve methodical uncertainties quantification. Large scale issues in hydroclimatology and their relations to oceanic, atmospheric, and land surface conditions and issues of global and regional water sustainability form the crux of our research.

Current Initiatives

  1. Water Risk and Drought Initiative: This initiative is designed towards understanding the exposure of a region to climate and demand induced stress and developing supervised scenarios to increase its resilience to periodic shocks.
  2. Water Sustainability and Economy Initiative: This initiative is under-way to explore how climate variability and changing water demands manifest as water deficits and how economics and public-private management decisions determine regional water availability and drought resilience.
  3. Remote Sensing Floods Initiative: This is motivated towards developing space-time stochastic models for flood risk estimation using high resolution radar data.
  4. Continental Paleo-hydrologic Initiative: This initiative will focus on continental scale modeling of low frequency climate variability, particularly at decadal and longer time scales through paleo-reconstruction of continental streamflow.


  • Naresh Devineni, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NOAA-Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology
  • Elius Etienne, NOAA-CREST Graduate Student - PhD : Water Risk and Drought Indicators for Continental United States
  • Gokce Ceylan - MS : Paleo-reconstructions and Reservoir Management for NYC Water Supply System
  • Chen Xi, Visiting Research Scholar, Hohai University - PhD : Bayesian methods for streamflow forecasts and water risk metrics for China
  • Mahi Kohinoor, NOAA-CREST Undergraduate Student - BS : Water Demand Management for NE United States

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T-107, Steinman Hall
140th St. & Convent Ave.,
New York, NY 10031, USA

(212) 650-8099

(212) 650-8097

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