

Coastal Observatory - LISCO

Advances in oceanic bio-optical processes are expected to be more heavily focused on improving satellite retrieval products of inherent optical properties (IOPs) of coastal waters, which, because of their complexity, offer more challenges than open ocean waters, where satellite observations and retrieval algorithms are already reasonably effective. Thus, the validation of the current and future Ocean Color satellite data is important for characterizing the optical environment connected with coastal waters, which are of importance because of population concentrations along them and their susceptibility to anthropogenic impacts. To address these concerns and support present and future multi- and hyper-spectral calibration/validation activities, as well as the development of new measurement and retrieval techniques and algorithms for coastal waters, the ORS Lab along with the Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, has established a new, scientifically comprehensive, off-shore platform, the Long Island Sound Coastal Observatory (LISCO). This site has been designed to serve as a venue and framework for combining multi- and hyperspectral radiometer measurements with satellite and in situ measurements and radiative transfer simulations of coastal waters, helping to provide more effective closure for the whole measurement validation/simulation loop. Measurements are presented and utilized for multi-spectral calibration/validation of current Ocean Color satellites (MERIS, MODIS, SeaWIFS) in coastal waters, and for evaluating future satellites missions (NPOESS, OCM2, Sentinel-2) with extension to hyperspectral calibration/validations of the hyperspectral sensors (HICO), as well as for improvements in coastal IOP retrieval and atmospheric correction algorithms.

The platform combines an AERONET SeaPRISM radiometer (link to scientific instrumentation) CIMEL Electronique as a part of AERONET Ocean Color Network, with a co-located HyperSAS set of radiometers capable of hyperspectral measurements of water-leaving radiance, sky radiance and downwelling irradiance. Both instruments were installed on the Long Island Sound Coastal Observatory (LISCO) in October 2009 and since then have been providing data. SeaPRISM data are transferred by the satellite link to NASA. Raw SeaPRISM data are also collected at the CCNY-ORSL server. HyperSAS data are transmitted via a broadband cellular service as emails to the CCNY-ORSL Sky server. The instruments are positioned on a retractable tower Floatograph.

In June 2010 the HyperSAS system was upgraded to its polarization version, i.e. HyperSAS POL, which allows the detection of the Stokes components I, Q and U of the upwelling radiance.

Coastal Products Catalog Available by clicking here

Additional in-water measurements:

Field measurements are regularly taken near LISCO for the matchups with the instruments as well to determine variability of water parameters and its impact on the validation of the ocean color satellite data. The instruments currently being deployed are:

Absorption and Attenuation Meter + WET Labs.

LISST-100X Sequoia Scientific,Inc..

Profiler II Satlantic.

  • Multiangular Hyperspectral Polarimeter.

GER 1500 Spectra Vista Corporation.

For more information, please view the NASA Aeronet SeaPrism Ocean Color Data

Click here to find data from AERONET-Ocean Color (OC) Data Display Interface

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