
NOAA CREST Partner Institutions


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Silver Springs, MD
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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions (EPP/MSI) is aimed at increasing programs and opportunities for individuals to pursue applied research and education in atmospheric, oceanic, and environmental sciences and remote sensing technology, in support of NOAA's mission.

The goal of the Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions is to increase the number of students from underrepresented communities who are educated, trained and graduated in fields that directly support NOAA's mission.

There are four components to the Educational Partnership Program: 

1. Graduate Sciences Program - This scholarship program trains outstanding candidates-often minorities and women-in NOAA-related disciplines. The Graduate Sciences Program pays for tuition, books, and lab fees. It also provides a housing allowance at the selected university, travel expenses, and salary during 16 weeks of NOAA work experience per year for each participant at a NOAA facility. 

2. Undergraduate Scholarship Program - This scholarship program provides NOAA internships and one-on-one mentoring to increase the number of students from underrepresented communities graduating with degrees in fields integral to NOAA's mission. Each scholar receives approximately $28,000 for two academic years to cover the costs of actual tuition and fees and other allowable expenses. 

3. Five Cooperative Science Centers  - These Centers advance education and collaborative research with NOAA, as well as graduate students and build capacity in NOAA-mission sciences at Minority Serving Institutions. Each Center is lead by a Minority Serving Institution and partnered with a NOAA Line Office. Together, the 5 Centers include 30 university campuses. 

4. Environmental Entrepreneurship Program  - The Environmental Entrepreneurship Program promotes student training in the application of NOAA sciences to create business opportunities and enhance STEM programs at minority serving institutions.

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T-107, Steinman Hall
140th St. & Convent Ave.,
New York, NY 10031, USA

(212) 650-8099

(212) 650-8097

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Partners & Affiliates

Our partners and affiliates consist of key players in the scientific and engineering industry that support our endeavors for education and mission.

The City College of New York
Columbia University
Colorado State University
Hampton University
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Raytheon Mission Operations Solutions
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus
University of Texas, El-Paso
Earth Resources Technology, Inc.
San Diego State University
University of Wisconsin
Northrop Grumman