
NOAA CREST Partner Institutions

Columbia University

CREST University Partners

Columbia University

2960 Broadway New York, NY 10027-690
(212) 854 - 1754
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MIC Programs

Undergraduate education at Columbia is offered through Columbia College, the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, and the School of General Studies. Undergraduate programs are offered by two affiliated institutions, Barnard College and Jewish Theological Seminary. Columbia University provides post-graduate education through thirteen graduate and professional schools and a school of continuing education. Three affiliated schools also offer post-graduate programs.

Meeting Global Challenges

through understanding and action

From promoting sustainable development to combating HIV/AIDS in Africa to transcending cultural barriers, Columbia's programs are inherently global in scope. Help the University build alliances overseas and welcome more students and faculty from abroad to meet the challenges of an interconnected world.

Beyond Disciplines in research and teaching

Answers for the next century will come not only from deeper inquiry within specific fields, but also by sharing information, perspectives, and approaches across the boundaries of traditional disciplines. Support Columbia’s efforts to develop new collaborative ways of thinking and doing.

Upcoming Events

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Connect With Us

T-107, Steinman Hall
140th St. & Convent Ave.,
New York, NY 10031, USA

(212) 650-8099

(212) 650-8097

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Partners & Affiliates

Our partners and affiliates consist of key players in the scientific and engineering industry that support our endeavors for education and mission.

The City College of New York
Northrop Grumman
Earth Resources Technology, Inc.
University of Texas, El-Paso
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus
San Diego State University
University of Wisconsin
Raytheon Mission Operations Solutions
Hampton University
Columbia University
Colorado State University
University of Maryland, Baltimore County