
NOAA CREST Partner Institutions

University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus

CREST Consortium, CREST University Partners

University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus

Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez PO Box 9000 Mayagüez PR 00681-9000
(787) 832-4040
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The University of Puerto Rico was created by an act of the Legislative Assembly on March 12, 1903. It was in the College of Agriculture that the Mayauez Campus had its origin. The strengthening and diversification of the academic programs at Mayauez were recognized years later when, in 1942, the campus was organized with a considerable degree of autonomy into the Colleges of Agriculture, Engineering and Science.

In 1966, the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts became the University of Puerto Rico, Mayauez Campus. Today, the Mayauez Campus of the University of Puerto Rico continues its development in the best tradition of a Land Grant institution. The Campus has over 1075 professors,researches, and extensionists, and about 12,800 students.

The University of Puerto Rico Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is a very dynamic academic unit within the University of Puerto Rico, Mayauez Campus (RUM) and one of the top ones in obtaining external funds and resourcfes with the University of Puerto Rico System. Currently, the Department is carrying out projects with external funds for more than $14,000,000, generating significant benefits to several sectors of the institution.

NOAA-CREST research at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayauez is comprised of researchers in the following departments and areas:

Electrical and computer engineering(ECE) - Remote sensing and image processing

Chemical Engineering(ChE) -Air pollution modeling

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Partners & Affiliates

Our partners and affiliates consist of key players in the scientific and engineering industry that support our endeavors for education and mission.

The City College of New York
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus
Colorado State University
Columbia University
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Hampton University
University of Wisconsin
Northrop Grumman
University of Texas, El-Paso
San Diego State University
Earth Resources Technology, Inc.
Raytheon Mission Operations Solutions