
NOAA CREST Partner Institutions

The City College of New York

CREST Consortium, CREST University Partners

The City College of New York

160 Convent Avenue New York, NY 10031
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The City College of New York (CCNY). Since its establishment, City College's mission has been to provide academic excellence along with expanded opportunities for higher education.

The City College is actually a small university,consisting of a College of Liberal Arts and Science and the largest complex of profession schools in CUNY, including the University's only schools of Architecture and Engineering. There are also schools of Education, the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education and the Greenberg Center for Legal Education.

City offers a comprehensive undergraduate curriculum and an array of more than fifty graduate programs. Located at the College are several important research institutes and an outstanding performing arts complex, Aaron Davis Hall, which produces superb facilities for baccalaureate programs in film/ video, communication, music, and theater.

Know nationally as the public college with the greatest number of Noble Laureates among its baccalaureate graduates. The City College is among the top ten schools nationally in the number of its graduates who have earned the Ph.D. degree. City College prides itself on the ethnic, racial and cultural diversity of its student body. which is unusual even for the colleges of this cosmopolitan university.

NOAA-Crest research at the City College of New York is comprised of Researchers in the following departments and Areas:

Electrical Engineering - Instrumentation, Optical Sensing, Data processing

Civil Engineering - Hydrology, Land use/Land cover, Climate modeling and GIS

Earth and Atmospheric Science Weather and climate forecasting, and Aerosol chemistry

Chemistry - Environmental Chemistry

Computer Science - Statistical Data Analysis, Image Processing

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T-107, Steinman Hall
140th St. & Convent Ave.,
New York, NY 10031, USA

(212) 650-8099

(212) 650-8097

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Partners & Affiliates

Our partners and affiliates consist of key players in the scientific and engineering industry that support our endeavors for education and mission.

Earth Resources Technology, Inc.
University of Texas, El-Paso
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus
The City College of New York
Northrop Grumman
San Diego State University
Columbia University
Raytheon Mission Operations Solutions
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
University of Wisconsin
Colorado State University
Hampton University