Carbon dioxide levels rose at record pace for 2nd straight year
March 13, 2017
The Early Career Scientist Exchange Program is an research training and education initiative by NESDIS/STAR' Cooperative Research Program [CoRP] which was initiated in year 2006. Students from CREST and other NESDIS Cooperative Institutes [CIs] are given an opportunity to visit instutional PIs/Scientists from one of these CIs to learn software skills and gain hands-on research experience relevant to their doctoral research. Thirty CREST graduate students have been immensely benefited by this program.
Purpose of the program:
Within the NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Cooperative Research Program (CoRP), several activities are supported that address two goals: (1) Increased visibility and employment opportunities for students and early career scientists (and provide the best candidates for open positions in NOAA and the CI’s); and (2) Strengthened collaborations between CI personnel at all levels. To accomplish these goals, CoRP supports:
Each CI receives a small amount of annual funding from NOAA/NESDIS/CoRP to send their students and research scientists to the CoRP Symposium and/or to other CI locations to present seminars and interact with the scientists at that institution. The scientific exchanges for students and early career scientists (visits to other CI’s to strengthen or establish collaborations) require the most preparation and coordination by all parties. A suggested procedure is given below. These exchanges may occur at any time during the year as long as the student and PI are in agreement; however, most exchanges are preferable during the summer.
Outcomes of the exchanges are expected to include: continuing collaboration between the student/PI/CI; a detailed report from the student of the exchange program; and (possibly) a presentation at the next year's CoRP Symposium and/or a seminar at STAR Headquarters or the host CI.
Earth System and Environmental Sustainability—ESES Summer program available to students for internship opportunity during the summer
SSIO is a internship program for students to work with distinguish NOAA scientist at a NOAA facility on their research during the summer months.
March 13, 2017
March 6, 2017
February 2, 2017
January 26, 2017
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