
Our People

Martin Yapur

Martin Yapur

Alumni Students

Director at NOAA/NESDIS -Technology, Planning and Integration for Observation (TPIO)


Washington D.C. Metro Area

Martin is an alumnus of the NOAA Cooperative Center for Remote Sensing Science and Technology (CREST) program, the Graduate Sciences Program (GSP), and the Undergraduate Scholarship Program (USP) through the partner institution the City College of The City University of New York.
Martin Yapur is the Director of the office of Technology, Planning and Integration for Observations (TPIO) Program where he develops, NOAA’s Integrated Environmental Observation and Data Management System Architecture, also known as NOAA’s Integrated System of Systems.

Martin has been at the forefront of the collection, standardization, configuration management, and assessment of all NOAA observation requirements and developing and analyzing NOAA’s integrated observation architecture, which consists of the blueprint, standards, processes, and investments needed to build an integrated observational capability that delivers higher-value data and products to end-users. Over the years, Martin has participated in numerous campaigns for investments analyses, analysis of alternatives, observing systems recapitalization plans, decision portfolio analysis and most recently, NOAA’s first ever observing system integrated analysis (NOSIA). NOSIA has established a framework for relating observing systems and their associated information management systems to NOAA’s climate, weather forecasting, healthy ocean, coastal and science products in addition to NOAA’s long term goals.

Martin serves as Chair of the Applications Sub-group of the Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) of CEOS, the “satellite arm” of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), with members and representatives from international agencies operating Earth observing satellites. His projects and related interest groups include the International Directory Network, Land Surface Imaging, Atmospheric Composition, Global Datasets, GEOSS Architecture for the use of Satellites for Disasters and Risk Assessment, and Water Portal.

Among Martin’s most significant accomplishments is his work on the CEOS WGISS Integrated Catalog (CWIC) which, once operational, will enable Satellite data never before available to be discoverable and accessible to scientists, application providers, and decision makers who need to synthesize data from multiple sources in order to do their work.

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