
Our People

Miguel Bustamante

Miguel Bustamante

Alumni Students

Deputy Chair of the Electronic Security Systems and Industrial Electronics Technology at TCI College

Dr. Miguel Bustamante has a Ph.D from CUNY/Graduate Center in Electrical Engineering Remote Sensing.  He currently servces as the Deputy Chair of the Electronic Security Systems and The Industrial Electronics Technology at TCI College. Dr. Miguel Bustamante has a Ph.D from CUNY/Graduate Center in Electrical Engineering Remote Sensing. For the past five years he has been doing research at The City College of New York on a geographically distributed sensor system for the study of atmospheric aerosols. Aerosols or suspended particulates are of great importance because of their effect on the Earth’s climate and also on human health (air pollution). NASA and the City College (NOAA-CREST) group have constructed a radiometer sensor network to detect ground level solar radiance as a function of wavelength for the study of aerosols types and concentrations. The networked devices are deployed in New York Metropolitan area, both locally and regionally (up to 60 km). Each site collects data and relays it to a data server at CCNY which compiles, analyzes and archives the data from the site. Currently there are five active sites with plans to expand to twelve sites.

Dr. Bustamante also has fourteen years of teaching experience. Dr. Bustamante is currently teaching at Technical Career Institutes (TCI) and CityTech (adjunct Faculty August 2010). At TCI he held the position of Chairperson of the Technology Department from 2002 through 2004. Dr. Bustamante has taught many courses from computer programming to networks, including microcomputers and digital logic. Dr. Bustamante is currently the Deputy Chair of the Industrial Electronics and Electronic Security System in the Division of Engineering and Information Technology

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Raytheon Mission Operations Solutions
Colorado State University
San Diego State University
Columbia University
The City College of New York
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Earth Resources Technology, Inc.
University of Wisconsin
Hampton University
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus
Northrop Grumman
University of Texas, El-Paso