
NOAA CREST Partner Institutions

Instituto Universitario Naval, Argentina

International Partners, Other Partners

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was established between Instituto Universitario Naval and The City College of New York on November 11, 2010 with a purpose to provide a basis for further collaboration in Environmental Remote Sensing and Earth Monitoring between the two institutions.

The research collaboration relationship has been established following a visit to Buenos Aires, Argentina under the auspices of the Ministerio de Educacion and at the invitation of its Directorof the Promotion of the Argentine Universities, Dr. Jorge Bragulat, in June 2010 by a group from CCNY comprising Dr. Joseph Barba, Dean of the Grove School of Engineering; Dr. Juan Carlos Mercado, Dean of the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies; Professor Reza Khanbilvardi, Director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Center; and Professor Jorge Gonzalez. Through this MOU there will be a closer collaboration in arena of research, training and education.

A CREST site, Argentina-CREST (A-CREST) will be established at the Instituto Universitario Naval, which will serve as the base for expansion to other interested universities. Based on common research interests and experiences, a new research facility will be designed and established at the Naval University Institute. The facility will include computational capabilities, data receiving capabilities, and testing facilities, as appropriate. Both Institutions intend to promote frequent exchange of research information through internet and personnel visits by actively seeking funding opportunities from all possible sources to support further cooperation. Both Institutions intend to actively pursue opportunities to apply the research finding in environmental remote sensing and earth observation and forecasting projects to foster technology transfer. It is recognized that such opportunities may exist in coastal, agricultural, and weather-related industries in Argentina. Both Institutions intend to consider and evaluate possibilities of joint training programs for students through course work or projects, either on-site or remotely, such as by co-supervising graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students. 

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